WHAT we do in Medical Ministry — part 3. References

WHAT we do in Medical Ministry — part 3. References

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WHAT we do. References from the writings of Ellen White for personal study of this topic.

  1. Not for making money
    The primary purpose of the Health Institute is not to generate profit but to serve humanity by providing necessary facilities for successful treatment. [PH138 15.1]
  2. Direct minds to the great Physician
    One of the main objectives of the Health Institute is to guide patients toward spiritual reform and the healing power of Christ. [PH 138 16.1]
  3. Understand the imperfections of the character
    The Health Institute is meant to help people recognize their moral flaws and seek perfection through Christ, not to conform to worldly standards. [PH 138 9.2]
  4. Not focusing on our peculiar faith, but on the sin-pardoning Savior
    In the treatment room, the focus should be on showing Christ as a merciful Savior rather than discussing distinctive beliefs. [PH 138 10.1]
  5. Need to focus on Bible religion, not on our peculiar faith
    Prayer meetings at the Health Institute should emphasize general Bible truths rather than controversial doctrines, fostering trust and openness. [PH 138 10.1]
  6. In the church is the place to speak of our peculiar faith
    The house of God is the appropriate setting to present denominational beliefs with clarity and love. [PH 138 10.1]
  7. Point patients to Jesus
    Physicians should first gain the trust of patients and then gently direct them to Christ, who can heal both body and soul. [PH 138 46.1]
  8. We are to work from a religious standpoint
    The Health Institute should operate from a religious foundation, acknowledging God as the ultimate guide and healer. [PH 138 52.1]
  9. Not to be primarily to make money
    The institution’s goal is to improve the physical and mental health of God’s people, enabling them to value spiritual matters. [Testimonies for the Church 1:564, 565]
  10. The true objective: health, perfection, and a spirit of holiness
    The sanitarium’s purpose is to promote health and holiness, not merely to follow worldly practices. [Testimonies for the Church 1:554]
  11. The great object to encourage unbelievers to embrace the truth that the great Physician loves and can heal them
    Receiving unbelievers at the institution aims to lead them to accept the truth, without compromising the message. [Testimonies for the Church 1:560]
  12. With scientific ability and spiritual power
    The institution should be a beacon of reform, combining scientific expertise with moral and spiritual strength. [Testimonies for the Church 6:223]
  13. Healing the mind and the body
    A significant portion of sickness originates in the mind, and curing it requires restoring mental health. [POSDAI 17.5]
  14. Appeal to the conscience and heart
    Physicians should address patients’ physical and mental needs, using their influence to encourage spiritual reform. [POSDAI 17.7]
  15. Appeal to the conscience, the moral sensibilities, the need to obey the law of God in their bodies
    The Health Institute aims to awaken moral awareness, leading patients to reform their lives according to God’s laws. [Testimonies for the Church 3:169, 170]
  16. Established on religious principles
    The Health Institute at Battle Creek is grounded in religious principles, making it a safe and trusted place for patients. [POSDAI 18.4]
  17. No concealment of our religious principles or characteristics, No Bait and Switch
    Physicians must not hide their faith; instead, they should openly uphold and exemplify Seventh-day Adventist principles. [Testimonies for the Church 6:250]
  18. If not soul-saving, why erect sanitariums?
    Sanitariums should focus on the salvation of souls, as this is the primary reason for their existence. [Letter 11, 1900]
  19. Medical and surgical work
    The highest goal of medical institutions is the spiritual well-being of patients, integrating evangelism with healthcare. [Medical Ministry, 26, 27]
  20. To reveal the power of the truth to transform character
    Sanitariums should demonstrate the transforming power of truth, focusing on spiritual growth rather than mere physical healing. [Manuscript 83, 1901]
  21. Work by offering something better in practical demonstration, not by putting down current practices
    Health reformers should present better alternatives through practical demonstrations rather than attacking existing habits. [POSDAI 21.4]
  22. Educate, educate, educate
    Sanitariums should consistently educate people on health reform and guide them toward Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. [POSDAI 21.8]
  23. A focus on prevention
    Sanitariums should teach patients how to avoid illness through proper habits, cooperating with God’s laws for health. [Counsels on Health, 221]
  24. Teaching self-control and self-regulation, obeying the laws of God and the laws of nature
    Patients should learn that breaking natural laws is equivalent to breaking God’s laws, emphasizing the importance of self-discipline. [POSDAI 22.6]
  25. Science, spiritual, and moral power
    The health institution should stand out by combining scientific ability with moral and spiritual power, serving as a model for reform. [Testimonies for the Church 6:223]
  26. To also receive spiritual help
    Sanitariums are established not only for physical healing but also to provide spiritual guidance and support. [Testimonies for the Church 7:95]
  27. Conversion of souls, the great object of our work
    The primary purpose of medical institutions is the conversion of souls, integrating spiritual care with physical treatment. [Letter 213, 1902]
  28. Blending physical and spiritual ministry
    Physicians should integrate physical treatment with spiritual ministry, leading patients to trust in Christ, the Great Physician. [Medical Ministry, 248]
  29. Distinctly Seventh-day Adventist, but receives all classes and all denominations
    Sanitariums should maintain their Adventist identity while welcoming people from all backgrounds, demonstrating the relevance of the gospel. [The Story of Our Health Message, 253]

Save souls, cure bodies, and educate
Sanitariums should aim to save souls, provide physical healing, and educate patients in spiritual and health principles. [Counsels on Health, 469, 470]

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