The Power of a Sacred Approach to Healthcare

The Power of a Sacred Approach to Healthcare

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In the world of healthcare, the secular approach has provided us with valuable tools and methods to help patients achieve better health outcomes. However, while effective to a degree, it is ultimately incomplete. It falls short of the full potential that a sacred approach can offer, particularly when it comes to long-term lifestyle changes and fulfilling the greater purpose of preparing individuals to meet Jesus.

When we compare the secular and sacred approaches to healthcare, the differences are stark and significant. Some might wonder, “Does it really matter?” I propose to you that it absolutely does matter. The target we aim for in our healthcare efforts makes all the difference in the world.

Imagine a matador in an arena with a two-ton bull, an animal of superior strength, speed, and power. How can a mere 160-pound man face such a beast and emerge victorious? The secret lies in the target—the cape. The matador directs the bull’s immense energy toward the cape, a target that moves and disappears just as the bull charges toward it. Despite all its superior effort, the bull is ultimately led to exhaustion, never realizing that its real opponent is the man behind the cape, armed with a spear. The target, not the bull’s strength, determines the outcome of the contest.

In healthcare, we often focus on changing people’s habits as our primary goal. We chase this target with all our energy, only to discover that habits alone are not enough to sustain long-term change. Like the bull chasing the cape, we expend tremendous effort but ultimately face defeat when deeper, more powerful challenges arise.

The secular approach, with its emphasis on habits, is good—but it is not the best. I propose a different target, one that has eternal consequences: character. The development of character leads to destiny, and it is this focus that distinguishes a sacred approach from a secular one.

The sacred approach encompasses everything that the secular approach offers, but it goes beyond, providing a more complete, powerful, and enduring framework. As Seventh-day Adventist healthcare providers and leaders of community health programs, we are called to focus on something deeper—something that not only transforms lives but also fulfills the Gospel Commission.

Consider the examples of individuals whose character motivated profound changes in their lives. A newly pregnant mother quits smoking for the sake of her baby, driven by the sacrificial love that defines a mother’s character. A father refrains from drinking because he knows his children are watching, and his integrity and honor compel him to set a worthy example. A woman loses weight not just for herself but to inspire her overweight husband, demonstrating sacrifice, honor, and principle. A man exercises alongside a friend to help him overcome a lifestyle disease so that he can continue to care for his family, showing trustworthiness and responsibility. A diabetic decides to improve his health because he believes his body is the temple of God, acting out of gratitude and virtue. 

These are all true stories of how character, not a mere habit, gave people the power to change even the most stubborn and difficult-to-overcome behaviors. This is the power of a sacred approach to healthcare—with the right motive and power, it transforms not just the body but the heart and soul.

As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe that one day, we will face a test of conscience regarding our obedience to God’s commandments. This test will reveal the true nature of our character and demonstrate the motives that have driven us and the power by which we have lived. Just as the moral law, written in stone, will be the standard in that final test, there are also laws written in our very flesh—the laws of nature and physiology that are impartial and work from cause to effect.  These laws govern our bodies, provide us with a standard to live by and determine what the outcome of our lives will be as a result of our actions.  By learning to obey these natural laws daily through the power of sacrificial love in our character, we promote our physical health and gain practical experience in overcoming sin.  Success in following the laws of nature in this way provides us with the understanding and strength to be successful in obeying the moral law, preparing us for that ultimate test of loyalty to our Savior.

This is the Gospel purpose of the medical ministry. This is why health ministry is an integral part of our church and why health and the Gospel are never to be separated. By focusing on the right target—character—we help people achieve lasting health and help prepare them to meet Jesus.

In conclusion, the sacred approach to healthcare provides a more complete and powerful framework for meeting the needs of patients. It is not just about changing habits but about transforming character and lives. In doing so, we fulfill the Gospel Commission, simultaneously helping individuals live healthier lives and prepare for eternity.

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