Category: Uncategorized

  • Engaging the Conscience for Lifestyle Change

    Engaging the Conscience for Lifestyle Change

    In previous discussions, we’ve emphasized that character shapes destiny, and this is why character development is a central goal in medical ministry. But this naturally raises the question: How do we influence a patient’s character in a healthcare setting in a way that will also improve their health? Interestingly, even in secular environments where people… Read more

  • Programs vs Ministry: A Pastors Perspective

    Programs vs Ministry: A Pastors Perspective

    Many churches and pastors have stopped conducting Health Programs for the community. Why? Because as they are commonly conducted, they consume time, and resources with very little or no soul-saving or baptismal results. Even though Jesus did more healing the sick than preaching the gospel, and by so doing reaching the multitudes, most pastors today… Read more

  • The Power of a Sacred Approach to Healthcare

    The Power of a Sacred Approach to Healthcare

    In the world of healthcare, the secular approach has provided us with valuable tools and methods to help patients achieve better health outcomes. However, while effective to a degree, it is ultimately incomplete. It falls short of the full potential that a sacred approach can offer, particularly when it comes to long-term lifestyle changes and… Read more

  • A Secular Model of Healthcare: We Need Something Better!

    A Secular Model of Healthcare: We Need Something Better!

    In today’s healthcare landscape, a secular approach dominates the way we address patient care, focusing heavily on the scientific methods and psychological models we’ve all been trained in. While these methods, such as Prochaska’s Model of Change and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, have become the backbone of modern medical practice, they reveal significant deficiencies when… Read more

  • WHAT we do in Medical Ministry — part 3. References

    WHAT we do in Medical Ministry — part 3. References

    WHAT we do. References from the writings of Ellen White for personal study of this topic. Save souls, cure bodies, and educateSanitariums should aim to save souls, provide physical healing, and educate patients in spiritual and health principles. [Counsels on Health, 469, 470] Read more