What is this blog about?

The blogsite combines the ministry of Medicine with the work of the gospel and the 3 Angels Messages. The last work to be done in missionary lines will be the medical missionary work. We will be highlighting the combined ministry of those who preach the word and those who heal the body. This combination of the gospel and health is a divinely inspired formula capable of affecting the closing work of God on earth.

Why is this blog necessary?

Throughout the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s history, the combined medical and ministry work efforts have had profound impacts. Yet, the lessons learned and the experiences gained have often been lost or undocumented. This gap has often left new generations to take decades to rediscover these valuable insights on their own. At The Medical Ministry Blog, we aim to document these journeys, share best practices, and learn from successes and failures.

What is the benefit of working together?

Many individuals are attempting to do the work of medical ministry as outlined in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Some are successful, some not so much. Like separate atoms each works alone or in a very limited and local capacity that diminishes the impact of the ministry and makes the work more difficult. This site is an attempt to bring these individual atoms together as part of a stronger and working whole.

What would this blog like to achieve?

Our ultimate desire is to help the next generation of medical missionary workers build on the shoulders of all who have gone before them. We can advance the ministry further and faster when we are united, than we could as separate workers

How can I contact the blog for more information?

You can contact us through the provided contact form or by reaching out to us directly. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have.

What is the purpose of this blog?

The purpose is to teach, educate, challenge, discuss, and encourage the church’s work through the right arm of the gospel. We believe that every member is to be a medical missionary. Those with advanced knowledge and experience in ministry or medicine can help others become more successful in completing the gospel commission.

How can I get involved?

We encourage you to reach out to us through the contact form or by

Advancing the Combined Work of Medicine, Ministry, and Company Evangelism