Programs vs Ministry: A Pastors Perspective

Programs vs Ministry: A Pastors Perspective

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Many churches and pastors have stopped conducting Health Programs for the community. Why? Because as they are commonly conducted, they consume time, and resources with very little or no soul-saving or baptismal results. Even though Jesus did more healing the sick than preaching the gospel, and by so doing reaching the multitudes, most pastors today are not having that type of success as a result of their health programs.

The reason is that there is a world of difference between “health programs” and “health ministry.” Health programs are conducted basically the same way by professed Christians as they are by those in the secular segment of society. The emphasis is on giving people good sound health principles to live by in order to regain their health. Many of these health programs are doing a great work. They need to be appreciated and encouraged. They have helped many people by teaching a healthy lifestyle by giving sound scientific reasons and proof for their advice. Science is the foundation upon which health programs are built, and the more the scientific community progresses in its understanding of how the human body works, it is interesting to watch it come more into harmony with Biblical principles of living. However, those conducting health programs have become increasingly frustrated with the reality that the change in lifestyle as a result of their programs is most often very short-lived. The rate in which people slide back into their old lifestyle habits is discouraging to say the least. So, what is the solution?

The solution is health ministry! Health ministry is based upon the gospel of Jesus Christ found in the Bible. Health ministry is also solidly scientific, but it is not based on science. Science serves to illustrate the validity of the gospel of healing and restoration physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially found in Jesus as described in the Bible. Health ministry recognizes the truth of what Jesus said in John 10:10. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” Health ministry recognizes that the human race has been ravaged by the effects of sin—lifestyles not in harmony with God’s laws of love and right-doing—lifestyles that are destructive to us and those around us. And that is why Jesus left heaven and came to this sick world and worked so many miracles of healing. His heart yearns to heal us, and therefore He said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” 

Health ministry recognizes that 90% of sickness and disease is the result of sin. And the only remedy for sin is Jesus. Therefore, in a health ministry every presentation of health is designed to lead people to Jesus – the true source of healing. Health ministry brings healing to the root cause of sickness and disease, not just the fruit. Science has come

to recognize that guilt, remorse, shame, fear, anger, loss, emotional pain, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and etc. play a major role in the health of the immune system as well as other functions of the body. The physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of the person cannot be separated. Health programs address the physical aspects but health ministry affects the whole person.

A major part of the problem is that most pastors and doctors have never been taught how to present Jesus and the Bible to the secular people who attend their health programs, and therefore they don’t do it. Another part of the problem is that many pastors and doctors are afraid to offend secular people. But even though we need to be kind and courteous, we need to speak the word of God with boldness through the power of the Holy Spirit.

What people need to see is that overcoming an unhealthy lifestyle is the same as overcoming a sinful lifestyle. The biblical definition of sin is the transgression of God’s law. We are used to applying this to the moral law of Ten Commandments, but we also need to recognize that the laws of health are just as much the laws of God. And the transgression of those laws brings sickness and disease. When we gain the victory over those sins (both physical and spiritual) through the blood of Jesus we lay hold of a power that is able to keep us from sliding back into those old habits.

The Greek word “Sozo” is found 110 times in the New Testament of the Bible. It is translated primarily three different ways: save, heal, and make whole. The reality is that the work of saving and healing is one in the same work. And the One who brings salvation and healing is one in the same being – Jesus!

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